Republican Hate Machine (How “Muslim” is code word for “Nigger”)

Let me first say that I do not think every Republican is a racist. Many Republicans are more concerned with money, and how to keep it, than they are with race, and I am in no position to judge them. While I am willing to have a few less dollars in my SunTrust account if it means a few extra go into the GreaterGood account, many people are not and that’s fine. What is not fine is the undeniable hate and ignorance that is rearing its head as the once unbelievable idea of a non-white man becoming President of the United States is nearing reality.

First, let’s talk about the word Muslim. It’s has become the new, safe way for white people to scream out “because he’s a nigger!” when explaining why they would not vote for Barack Obama. But, let’s pretend, just for a moment, that the people who scream out “he’s a Muslim” mean just that. Let’s imagine that they are not racists. Ready? Well, those people would still be spouting narrow-minded ignorance. Because that would mean they are using “Muslim” as a code word for “terrorist,” which is just as asinine.

What if Barack Obama WERE a Muslim? Does that mean he would also be part of Al-Qaeda? He happens to be a Christian. Does this mean we should worry about him starting a war to impose those “Christian ideas” on other countries? Oh no, never mind, Christians would NEVER do something like that. Only those dirty, terrorist Muslims, quietly known as “sand niggers.” See how it always comes back to the non-white part? We sure hate brown people.

Here are just a few examples of the hate that has been coming out lately.

Want to know where this piece of genius comes from? It was in the October newsletter by the Chaffey Community Republican Women, Federate in Riverdale, California, which says that if Obama is elected his image will appear on food stamps — instead of dollar bills like other presidents. You can read all about the incident and how offending anyone was “clearly not (their) attempt” here.

I know you want more examples of the kind of hate that is coming from Republicans, right? I leave you with a few videos to “enjoy.”

Barack Obama is a Muslim and there will be genocide in the U.S.!!

As I await the final Presidential Debate tonight, I thought I’d share what happened to me last week at a break the fast party. (Not being a Jew, I didn’t fast, but I am always down for a dinner party.)

It started off as any good night should; mac n’ cheese balls, pigs in blankets and expensive scotch. But, a few “Happy New Years” later, the political talk started. Thankfully, it didn’t go on long before someone said, “let’s not talk politics.” Ah, saved from the drama. For the moment.

The matzo ball soup was enjoyed without incident. But, as soon as we started in on the bagels, lox and cheese blintzes, the talk of babies, marriage, and cardiovascular workouts turned to Obama and McCain.

We were sitting with a brother and sister (Drone 1, Drone 2) and both almost gleefully said they were “Obama haters.” From that point it went something like this:

Drone 2 said she “didn’t want to talk about it,” and left the table. I guess her opinions weren’t strong enough to defend. Or maybe she was just wondering if there were any pigs in blankets left in the other room. (Um, thanks to me, that would be a no.)

When she left the room, Drone 1 started talking about the thing most McCain supporters bring up, taxes. The kid is from a family who has a multi-million dollar diamond business, so at LEAST he’s in the tax bracket that would be affected by a tax hike, unlike most jag-offs who whine about taxes. However, he wasn’t saying anything new or exciting, just the same talking points that can be summed up in one sentence – “Obama will raise taxes on our business.” He actually had nothing good to say about McCain, which was telling.

He kept talking about money, until I finally gave up my silence and said, “I don’t like taxes anymore than the next guy, but if a few extra dollars out of my pocket means someone else has a better chance to succeed, I’ll take the hit.” To that, he had nothing and shut up for a while.

I know I’m not living in the same bracket as Drone 1 and his family, but I know a hefty portion of my salary goes to taxes. It’s all relative. I also know, and this is something that almost no one ever talks about, that my tax dollars help make this country great. I am not “entitled” to things such as paved roads and police protection; I pay for them. Yes, my tax dollars also go to pork projects that infuriate me, but no one ever said things were perfect. Hell, I’m also paying for a war I don’t believe in.

Anyway, after a while, the guy’s father, King Drone, came in from the other room and chimed in with “Liberals have nothing. It’s so easy to be a liberal. You just live off the government.” I was shocked, even though I shouldn’t have been. This is the way people like The Drones think. And at least now I know this kid is just repeating what his father has told him.

Next up is the kid’s mom, Queen Drone. She seemed nice enough, but then she started talking about Lebanon. Somehow the story ends up on Obama and how he is Muslim and how if he is elected, there will be genocide. At this point, I lose it. I dropped my bagel and finally speak up.

“Are you serious? You can’t be serious. You’re really kidding, right? With all due respect (I hated saying this, because she deserved no respect) are you seriously telling me that you think Obama is a Muslim and a terrorist and that there will be Genocide in the U.S.” She replies, “You don’t know. You don’t know.” Since this was a family function, all I could do was reply with “this is crazy, I have to walk away.” I went to the bathroom, where I hung out until I heard that The Drones had left. You can’t talk to people like The Drones. They won’t listen to you. They don’t bother checking sites like or before they start repeating what one of their friends told them.

Why, oh why, are so many people like this? At least the Drone 1 was talking about SOMETHING, even if it was flawed. But the mother? She was spouting nonsense and thinly-veiled racism. She was a walking, talking email forward. I only wish I could have hit delete and then emptied my trash.

Get Your Umbrella, It’s Raining McCain?

It looks like the Republicans are finally embracing the Internets and the idea of viral videos. The result is exactly what I would expect. Actually, this video so bad that I almost think it’s the work of Democrats. I know the Republican party is largely made up of the soulless, but I find it hard to believe that this is the best they have to offer.

It’s also funny that they chose to rewrite a ’70s gay anthem to show their support for John McCain. It’s similar to when the meat heads stand up at sporting events and sing along to Y.M.C.A. without a hint of irony. Anyway, as bad as the video is, it’s also pretty hilarious and even charming in that, “We had a great day at Six Flags, look at the video we made” kind of way. Enjoy.